Parker Carls

Parker Carls, soprano, loves performing and teaching in a wide variety of genres. With degrees in vocal performance from the University of North Texas (MM) and Western Illinois University (BM), her pedagogical background is comprised of multiple techniques, including courses taken in Estill Voice Training as well as traditional pedagogical concepts as discussed in Your Voice:  An Inside View by Scott McCoy and What Every Singer Needs to Know About the Body by Malde, Allen, and Zeller. Parker enjoys applying these concepts to any genre, helping students to understand the inner workings of the voice in the context of the music they love, with a focus on healthy vocal technique.

Parker’s most recent operatic experience includes a new opera by Grey Grant performed with Thompson Street Opera Company, Michigan Trees: A Guide to the Trees of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region, where she was one of three voices comprising the Mother of Trees. Other past roles include Susanna (Le Nozze di Figaro), Gretel (Hansel and Gretel), Amore (Orfeo ed Euridice), Esmeralda (The Bartered Bride), and Venus (Venus and Adonis). Parker also has musical theater experience in such roles as Belle (Beauty and the Beast) and Gertrude (Seussical). In addition to classical and musical theater works, Parker loves jazz, having sung with jazz ensembles from the age of eight. She currently serves as a section leader in the Gallery Singers Choir at St. Benedict Parish, where she has also fulfilled cantoring duties and led the choir when needed.

Parker believes music is for everyone and is excited to share the joy of music with her students, no matter their experience level. She hopes to inspire students to find confidence and power in the voice through incorporating healthy vocal technique and diction with true emotion and meaning in order to achieve genuine performance that is individual to the singer.